Rachel Brooks

Rachel Brooks

Rachel Brooks: Managing Director, Swimtime Swimtime is one of the largest independent swim schools in the UK. The brand has experienced significant change since 2016 – new ownership, digitisation, new people, and processes and Rachel has been leading the way...


Latoya Likambi: Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Teyes Eye Ltd , Co-Founder, Likambi Global Publishing Latoya Likambi is a17-year-old 3X International best-selling author, an entrepreneur, and a positive role model for children globally. A highly confident,...
Debbie Ariyo OBE

Debbie Ariyo OBE

Debbie Ariyo OBE: Chief Executive, AFRUCA Debbie Ariyo is Chief Executive of AFRUCA, a UK charity she founded in 2001 to address child safeguarding and child trafficking issues in African diaspora communities and provide support services for children and families and...