IFB 2014 1st Global Convention of The Global Visionary Women Network
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HRH Queen Naa Tsotsoo Soyoo I of Ga Kingdom of Ghana • Maggie O’carroll (Co-Founder & CEO The Women’s Organisation) • Katherine Corich (Founder & Global Director of Sysdoc) • HRH Betty Makoni (Founder and CEO of The Girl Child Network Worldwide): • Cllr Anna Rothery (Labour Cllr for Princes Park Ward Liverpool) • Ewa Sadowska (CEO & Director Barka UK) • Yvonne William (Mary Kay Senior National Sales Director UK) • Molly Harvey of Molly Harvey Global • Dr. Annie Lim (founder of Women In Business World Summit, Dr. Annie Lim International Inc. and the LIFE Children Foundation) • Dr Sylvia Forchap (Founder & CEO of Voice of Nations, Founder & Global Chair of Global Visionary Woman Network).
For more information please see video and photos of the highly successful Mega Launch at: :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuyxuDgJHHg&feature=youtu.be. Please also see the link for some photos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/94fvnh93ynu0vo5/SLAqWfCA
International Festival for Business (IFB 2014) Ist Global Convention by Global Visionary Women Network in association with award winning social enterprise Voice of Nations.
The International Festival for Business (IFB) is the largest international business event in the world in 2014, and the largest business event in the UK for over a decade. The Festival will deliver over 100 events in 61 days in June and July 2014 bringing over 250,000 visitors and business representation from over 125 countries into the UK.
Being part of the IFB 2014 presents your business with unrivalled opportunities to build international connections and commercial value. IFB 2014 will be truly global, with international reach and significance. The festival will connect UK businesses into international markets, bringing together the smartest entrepreneurial minds and the best business opportunities in the world. This is a life time opportunity for you to participate in UK’s biggest business festival and grow your business, whatever your business sector, size or markets.
As part of the IFB 2014, The Global Visionary Women Network in association with life transforming award winning social enterprise Voice of Nations, will be hosting it’s 1st Global Convention on Friday 11 July 2014, bringing together some of the world’s most successful women entrepreneurs, visionaries, and academics to examine how global co-operation can break down the barriers facing women today.
The Theme of the Convention is Empowering Nations, and it will take place in the prestigious IFB Hub at the heart of the IFB and the City of Liverpool Waterfront, hosting up to 200 delegates from across the globe, and benefit from the exposure to hundreds of international delegates accessing the IFB Hub during the convention.
This one day convention will focus on empowering women globally to overcome the potential barriers they encounter, and contribute in strategic leadership roles towards the economic, social, and political development of their respective countries, and share good practice.
It will also explore the differing barriers facing women across the globe and encourage delegates to learn from the experiences of others. On the day, there will be keynote speeches from senior executives who have made their mark in their country of origin; highlighting the barriers and prejudices they have overcome to achieve their status. Workshops within the conference will encourage delegates to think about their own circumstances and to develop the potential within themselves and others.
This is an international event which will attract visionaries, successful business women and academics interested in the promotion of women’s right globally and would-be women entrepreneurs.
There will be a conference dinner and networking event in the evening at the Liverpool Marriott Hotel. Dinner costs £35 per person, places are limited, RSVP.
Please contact us now to book your hotel at discounted rates.
Early Bird Registration is £35 for individuals and start up businesses, and £50 (For businesses above 3 years) until 30th April 2014. After this date tickets will cost £45 and £65 respectively.
Discounted rates apply for group registrations, contact us now for a flexible quote.
Register via Eventbrite: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-visionary-women-network-global-convention-tickets-11095991409?aff=efbevent
Current Sponsors: Liverpool Vision, Liverpool City Council, Voice of Nations
Sponsorship Packages and exhibition stands also available.
For more information contact us now at :
info@voiceofnations.org.uk or admin@voiceofnationms.org.uk
https://voiceofnations.org.uk/ or https://www.facebook.com/VisionaryWomenN8work
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Registeration Fee - Sales Ended
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