“A meticulously organised and transformative convention and experience! Very well organised, unbelievably empowering and inspiring keynotes, speakers, panellists, workshops and atmosphere! This is without doubt, the most enriching and transformational convention I have attended so far, and I can’t wait to put into action all that I have learned from the event! Many congratulations to Dr Sylvia and her team, and I look very forward to working with you!” Participant.

Global Visionary Women Network and partners proudly hosted The Visionary Woman Global Convention and Expo on the 29th of October 2022 at The Marriott Maida Vale Hotel London, with a key focus on developing and empowering female visionary leaders and change agents who are not moved by sight or fear, but are driven by unwavering conviction and purpose and equipping them with the right tools and resources to excel and thrive in challenging times. This year’s transformational event saw Global pioneers, leaders, change agents, speakers, entrepreneurs and delegates from all over the UK and beyond convened at The Nation’s Capital and via Zoom to participate, learn, and share their remarkable knowledge, wisdom, passion, and expertise on the day.

              Our Premier Sponsor, Vodafone pulled together a phenomenal and inspiring team of female leaders, staff, and distinguished Keynote Speakers, workshop facilitator and panel Chair, who delivered some truly transformational talks, facilitated and chaired some inspiring, engaging, and thought-provoking sessions with immense insight and knowledge.

The Convention and Expo officially kicked off with a welcome message and remarkably inspiring and eye-opening keynote from the Founder/Global Chair of GVWN, and Founder/CEO of Voice of Nations, Dr. Sylvia Forchap-Likambi, who conveyed a powerful, soul-searching and astute message on the power of vision and purpose, drawing practical and relevant examples from her own life that left the audience wowed and energised for the long day ahead.

This was immediately followed by a powerful panel session which constituted of an undeniable blend of outstanding female visionaries and co-authors of “Visionary Woman: Moved by Purpose, Not Sight”, who explored practical strategies and ways of overcoming Crises – drawing from their own unique journeys and experiences. This was truly unique and empowering session was chaired by the inspiring Asha Jagatia, UK Talent Manager, Culture & Engagement, Vodafone.

  Jackie Jessamy-Fuller, Technology Resilience Assurance Manager, Vodafone, then gave a compelling, in-depth, thought-provoking, and timely keynote speech on Leveraging Technology and Me to Leave No One Behind -The Power of Connection, highlighting the significant role Vodafone plays in the integration of some of the most disadvantaged individuals and communities, Ethical Leadership and Global Sustainability; challenging delegates to be intentional about empowering others and leaving no one behind.

The inspirational Dr Lady Waynett Peters, Founder of The Extraordinary Achievers Network brought tears to the eyes of delegates as she eloquently and beautifully led all present through “The Art and Power of Networking: Leveraging your connections”— deeply intertwined with her tempestuous life journey and success, finalized by meaningful contributions from inspired and engaging delegates, followed by a networking lunch and exhibition.

Delegates and another set of distinguished visionaries, global leaders and change agents were welcomed into yet another thrilling and highly empowering panel session that galvanized the role of youth empowerment in inspiring the Next Generation of Female Leaders and Innovators. A vibrant/reflective session chaired by the inspirational 16-year-old Founder of Teyes Eye, Likambi Global Publishing and 3X international bestselling author, Latoya Likambi, wowing the audience/ panellists with her depth of questions, profound knowledge, and confidence

A distinctive feature of this year’s convention was the official launch of the “Visionary Woman: Moved by Purpose, Not by Sight”, a timeless bestselling book written by eight visionary women from across the globe in collaboration with Leading Empowerment and Transformation Authority, Dr Sylvia Forchap-Likambi; with a goal to inspire and birth audacious and purpose-driven leaders of unwavering faith and confidence, who are not moved by sight or fear, but by conviction and purpose. The book reveals a timeless message of vision, purpose, hope, tenacity, resilience, courage, faith and transformational leadership, in line with the theme of this year’s Convention. The authors, who were also key speakers/panellists at the Convention shared their diverse and inspirational journeys, success blueprint, and stories of tenacity, resilience, and courage with delegates and also read excerpts from the book and signed autographed copies for excited delegates who wanted personalised copies of the book.

Just when delegates thought they had had the best of the convention, they were mesmerised by another incredibly inspiring, eloquent, and eye-watering Keynote on “The Power of Dreams and Beliefs: There’s no limit to what we can achieve and become”, by the dynamic and inspirational Chris Emechete, Founder & CEO of 3TOP Aviation Services, who took delegates through his fascinating “lockdown” experience and testimony.

There couldn’t have been a better and resounding way to end such a dynamic and transformative day than with a powerful, purposeful, and interactive workshop on “the Visionary Woman’s Health & Wellbeing – The Power of Self-care and Self-Love”. The discussions underscored the importance of women’s mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health and wellbeing and explored in greater depth the indispensable role of self-care and self-love in thriving and flourishing in optimal health and wellbeing and serving in our maximum potential.

               After a truly successful and remarkable transformational day, the Convention and Expo was crowned by a relaxing networking, exhibition tour, immediately followed by a luxurious and exquisite 4 course buffet dinner, which was further illuminated by some great music and contemporary sounds.

              Special Recognition Awards were awarded to nine leading female pioneers and champions for their enormous and valuable contribution in driving positive change and making a difference in their respective fields. The awards and recipients were: The Nation Builder Award to HRM Queen Naa Tsotsoo Soyoo I, The Transformational Leader Award to Claire Harvey MBE, The Visionary Woman Award to Dr Anikphe Oyedeji, The Inspirational Woman Award to Rubi Kaur, The Young Visionary Award to Latoya Likambi, The Diversity & Inclusion Champion Award to Sade Oladugbewo, The Heart of Resilience Award to Angela Preston, The Woman of Faith Award to Neva Brooks, and The Positive Role Model Award to Ellen Mandizvidza.

Delegates celebrated the award winners, authors of “Visionary Woman: Moved by Purpose, Not by Sight”, and successful convention by dancing and rejoicing into the night and unwinding with DJ Eko who brought some electrifying ambience and non-stop rhythm into room. The night was concluded with acknowledgements, closing remarks/farewell, and powerful testimonies and feedback from our valuable guests, highlighting the success of the convention and unprecedented advancement towards the development of audacious visionary leaders and women of purpose who are equipped and prepared to lead and thrive in challenging times.

               The convention extended into the early hours of Sunday, 30th October, as an elite group of delegates and speakers reunited in an Exclusive Premium Breakfast and Mastermind Coaching with Dr Sylvia Forchap-Likambi. Delegates left with greater clarity and vision, definite action points and an awakened enthusiasm and passion to step into the next phase of their purpose and greatness.

“I am honoured to not only having participated as a Co-author but also a beneficiary of the resounding enthusiasm that you put into your work and especially this visionary woman project… You won’t know what affirmation you have given to me with the timing! My team of five women, supporters, and mentees, along with their guests, all had a life-changing weekend with you at the Conference.” Author and Speaker

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