One of the best print management companies in the industry!

Global Visionary Women Network and Partners are thrilled to welcome CDP as a Media Design & Print Sponsor of the Global Women Leadership Summit 2023, which will take place on the 27th-28th October 2023 at the State-of-Art Liverpool Hope University.

We would like to take this unique opportunity to express our profound and heartfelt gratitude to the CDP leadership team and look very forward to working with their remarkable leaders and experts to bring you the best marketing and media materials and resources at the  cutting-edge and ground-breaking leadership summit – The largest diverse women’s leadership summit in the Northwest of England.

CDP was established in 1974 by Joe Scanlon with the vision to become one of the best print management companies in the industry. Since then, they have done just that. CDP is now one of the largest and best known businesses of its kind in the UK.

They work with a wide range of clients across the UK, mainly in the social housing, health care, financial services, retail and education sectors.

By creating a strong presence and a great reputation in the communications, design and print industries they are now looking forward to the next four decades as they grow their business.

With a terrific team of friendly and experienced professionals, CPD’s history is just getting started! Find out more about CDP and how you can join them using the links below.

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